The ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation funds research grants that further medical findings for animals (and humans). The VAF does not provide funding to individuals for veterinary care or other medical procedures.
Since 2002, the VAF has funded 90 resident grants for a total of $426,194.
In 2022, the VAF funded the organization’s largest grant to date. Dr. András M. Komáromy and his group from Michigan State University received a grant award, in the amount of $50,000, for their proposal “Keratoleptynsis for Management of Canine Glaucoma”.
In 2020, the VAF funded two proposals via a large grant program:
Defining the Pathophysiology of Hypercoagulability in Canine Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome”, Dr. Freya Mowat, University of Wisconsin Madison School of Veterinary Medicine ($30,227). This study was published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (May-June 2023), now available open access: Hemostatic profiles in dogs with sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome
Investigation into the Genetics of Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia) Multiple Ocular Coloboma, Dr. Tim Georoff, Philadelphia Zoo ($29,150).
In 2017, the VAF awarded a grant, in the amount of $29,974, to Dr. Hans Westermeyer, North Carolina State University, for his proposal, “Predicting the onset of intraocular pressure rises and retinal damage in primary angle closure glaucoma in dogs”. This two-year study started in December.
In 2015, the VAF awarded a large grant, of $29,948 to research on the topic of SARDS to Dr. Freya Mowat of North Carolina State University for her two-year project, “Defining the effect of immune-mediated damage to the pineal gland in the etiopathogenesis of sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome (SARDS) in dogs”. Co-investigators are: Drs. Katherine Lunn, Natasha Olby, and Gianluca Tosini. The VAF is grateful to Stokes Pharmacy for their donation of medication to this study. This grant resulted in the following publications: