Resident Grant Program
Each year the ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation offers research grants to ABVO-approved residents in areas of veterinary ophthalmology. Residents must be sponsored by their ABVO mentor(s). We are pleased to announce that beginning in 2023, the amount available per project has increased to $7,500.
The ACVO-VAF will support research supplies, materials, limited equipment, publication and limited salary for technical support.
The ACVO-VAF does not support the salary of the resident, salary of the faculty mentor, tuition, major equipment, or institutional indirect costs.
Animal related experiments require approval by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee with the proposal submission.
Results of funded research must be presented at the Annual ACVO Conference.
The deadline grant applications is Monday, December 2, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET.
Applicants should utilize the Resident Grant Instructions and Grant Template.
Also see our Sample Grant Terms and Conditions document (pdf), Clinical Trial Research Study Owner Informed Consent Form and Animals in Research Policy
The VAF is pleased to provide examples of two successful proposals, for applicants to review, if needed.
Click here and here to review these sample proposals.
Please note these applications were funded several years ago, so the formatting may not be an exact match with the current template. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
Applications are reviewed and scored by the VAF’s Grants Committee and applicants will be notified of funding decisions by January 31, 2025.
2024 Resident Grant Award Winners
Ashley Bowyer, DVM, Kansas State University, $4,764
Pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of voriconazole administered orally q72 hours in healthy cats
Tiffany Chen, DVM, University of Pennsylvania, $3,500
Comparison of needle electrodes versus gold cup skin electrodes for scotopic clinical electroretinography in the dog
Paul McCarthy, Eye Clinic for Animals, Australia, $7,483
Evaluation of hearing in dogs with Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome (SARDS)
Erinn P. Mills, University of California – Davis, $7,500
Determining the Effect of A Novel Topical Lipid Therapy on Tear Film Inflammatory Cytokine Profiles in Dogs with Evaporative Dry Eye Disease (EDED)
Callie Rogers, DVM, Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine, $7,500
The effects of photodynamic therapy with indocyanine green (EmunoDo®) and 810nm diode laser on the healthy equine
Aaron Sieve, DVM, University of Missouri, $7,500
A microbiota investigation of ophthalmic trypan blue commonly used in canine cataract surgery –
Click here to review a list of Past Grant Recipients.